Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Fam

If I had to liken my family to any other family...I couldn't. We're a unique bunch. Where to start...ahh here's good spot.

Kelli is a composer who got bored with composing as soon as she got her degree and is now going through college again to get a degree in Computer Science. She is 26 and lives in a tan room at my parents house. She likes her laptop. Kelli also has a second life. However unlike Dwight Schrute, Kelli's second life isn't because she's bored, it's because she seems to be sick of her first one. Everything in her first life seems to be an annoyance to her. Kelli likes anime and other fantasy and fictional things. Kelli is fun and has been my best bud since I came out of the womb. We've grown apart some since I've moved to other things, but she's still my sister.

Deanna is sick. Deanna has been diagnosed with multiple diseases. My favorites are Talktomuch and Yuppiewannabe. The one that affects her body though is Renal Failure. Her kidneys have shutdown. We do not have a cause and we do not know how long she can last without a transplant. Deanna has had a fistula put in her arm for easy access for dialysis treatments every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5:30 a.m. She also has had her stomach stapled to help her lose weight faster. She is literally melting away (probably over 200 lbs!). She has been my hero and my champion ever since she's been diagnosed and I know she suffers from it and she's sick every other day, but she has shown great resilience in dealing with this. I think she's living her life a different way because of it. Deanna is a salsa dancing, interior decorator and is very social.

Iva is professional. Mom is my resource. She has a decent answer; if not the right one. She is a director and a worrier and a nurse and a teacher and a counselor and everything else a mother should be. She works hard and has always expected the same out of all of her children. Iva is 90% serious and 10% funny. She is a quasi-decorator (she is heavily influenced by Deanna). Now she's totally obssessed with the grandbaby on the way. She's fun and creative.

Dad is coach. Coach is Dad. He's become alot wiser in his old age, but is still as fun-loving as ever. I'm grateful that I had such a wonderful example in my life of how to be a hard working father and how to be a good husband. My memories with my father are dear to me, because I was his only son and we got to do boys stuff together. We have enjoyed camping, fishing, vacations, fishing, building, fishing, and fishing. He's dedicated. He would drive 45 minutes to work. Work from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. teaching resource students and then go from 3 to 6 p.m. coaching football or basketball. He then would drive 45 minutes home and do dishes, laundry, or ANYTHING else that needed to be done. ((I work for 6 hours come home and claim sanctuary on our couch...I have alot to learn...but with the baby holder doing the internal work, I am grateful that I had that example to show me how to get things done.)) Games. That is the second word to describe my dad, games. Every week and every dull moment, he wants to play a game. He's very good at games too. He taunts us just enough to get them angry enough to play with him. He's a fun dad. So that's my family. I'll have to post some pictures later.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Jas and I went to our very first prenatal visit this morning and met Dr. Black. He's an old cynical man, but I think he'll be a great doctor. More exciting than that he did an ultrasound on Jas and my jaw dropped as I saw a tiny figure no bigger than a plum (1.5 inches). I thought oh cool there's something in there...then it jumped and you could see arms and little legs. That's when my jaw sagged on down to the floor. It was incredible. He said everything looks normal. He asked us to come back in two weeks to verify the due date. According to the measurement of the baby the due date is March 1st! We're very excited and I can't wait to see it jump again. At 20 weeks we get to know the sex of the baby. So look for a new post around that time (middle of October). I think it'll be a girl.